Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #100 (pinups)

Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #100Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #100 cover


January 1998


Chris Sprouse / Colleen Doran / Dan Jurgens / Mike Collins / Philip Moy / John Delaney / Cully Hamner / Dusty Abell / Paul Pelletier / Todd Nauck / Jeffrey Moy (Pencillers) • Bob Wiacek / Colleen Doran / José Marzan Jr. / Drew Geraci / Philip Moy / Ron Boyd / Cully Hamner / W.C. Carani (Inkers) • Tom McCraw / Stine Walsh (Colorists)


Date of Change
Content of Change

Tinted cells and text indicate missing or incomplete information.

Character and Object Tracking



Previous Appearance

Next Appearance


Apparition (Tinya Wazzo-Nah)
     (also appears as Emerald Apparition)
No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Chameleon (Reep Daggle) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Ferro (Andrew Nolan) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Umbra (Tasmia Mallor)
     (also appears as Emerald Umbra)
No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Triad (Luornu Durgo)
     (also appears as Emerald Triad)
No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen)
     (also appears as Emerald Saturn Girl)
No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Ultra Boy (Jo Nah) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
M’Onel (Lar Gand) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Live Wire (Garth Ranzz) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Element Lad (Jan Arrah) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Violet (Salu Digby)
     (also appears as Emerald Violet)
No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Gates (Ti’julk Mr’asz) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Monstress (Candi Pyponte-Le Parc III) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
XS (Jenni Ognats)
     (also appears as Emerald XS)
No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Kinetix (Zoe Saugin)
     (also appears as Emerald Kinetix [elfin form])
No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Sensor (Princess Jeka Wynzorr) No trackable appearance; seen in pinups
Spark (Ayla Ranzz)
     (also appears as Emerald Spark)
No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Invisible Kid (Lyle Norg) No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Star Boy (Thom Kallor) No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Inferno (“Sandy Anderson” (footnote #1)) No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Andromeda / Sister Andromeda (Laurel Gand) No trackable appearance; seen in pinup

Supporting Characters

President R.J. Brande No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Tenzil Kem No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Koko No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Proty No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Dyrk Magz (as Magno) No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
Lori Morning No trackable appearance; seen in pinup
One-shot or Untracked Characters:
     unnamed teen idol


Legion VR room (depicting various settings) < > < >

Alien Races and Creatures

One-shot or Untracked Races:
     unspecified alien (possibly a Predator)

1. This is the only real name we have for Inferno to date.

Analysis Notes

General According to the inside front cover, all the pinups are situations from the VR (virtual reality) room.
37 Note that the portraits are of R.J. Brande and two of Triad’s selves.  (This latter portrait is inspired by one from the entrance to Disneyland’s “Haunted Mansion” ride.)
38 Of note here is Saturn Girl using mental commands on her steed, the replication of elements from Ultra Boy’s costume on the trappings of his steed, and the appearance of Chameleon in a beast form that owes much to Sensor.
50 Based on the lower tusks of the creature’s shadow, this was possibly meant as a “Legion/Predator” crossover.
51 The logo in the upper-right doesn’t have the balls on the edge evenly spaced; compare to the badge that Sensor is wearing.
XS is seen both next to Live Wire’s horse and next to the Triads.
Element Lad and Tenzil Kem are next to Sensor, and Proty is in the lower-left.
Note the date in the “branding iron” signature: 1897.
Recall that horses are extinct in the 30th century. This VR sample must have been recreated from information brought back by Team 20.
Tenzil is undoubtedly not cooking real meat, unless it is just for Sensor.
52 Can’t read what the air base is, blocked by Live Wire’s head.  It could be “Inertron”, but then the “T” should be an “N”.
69 Although the various pinups are supposed to be VR room adventures, the combination of Andromeda, Ferro, Magno, and Inferno in this one marks at least some of the displayed characters as being VR projections themselves.
The characters appears to be looking at something occurring below them.  If it relates to the pink clouds, maybe they are Red Terror clouds like those used by the Khunds in the preboot continuity.
70 According to the picture caption, Cosmic Boy is the Untouchable on the left; the other two are obviously Brainiac 5 and Live Wire.
71 This VR session is probably a private one of Violet’s, trying to work through her Emerald Eye issues.
The Legionnaires seen here are XS, Saturn Girl, Spark, Violet, Triad, Umbra (who had not joined at the time), Apparition (kneeling), and Kinetix (with the tail and facial tattoo, but without the pointy ears which accompanied them; <did she still have the tail during the Emerald Legion story?>).
78 This is a VR scenario?
79 This one, too?
80 Now that’s a VR scenario!  Items of note include Kinetix going semi-topless, Monstress wearing solar protection goggles (seen in the “Planet Hell” stories in Legionnaires #21, Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #65, and Legionnaires #22), Gates shoving his Marxist ideals down Sensor’s royalist throat, and Live Wire’s dismay at his sister showing off.