Continuity Tracking: The Flash Legacy

November 4, 1999


     The 30th century legacy of Barry Allen (Flash II) is a tangled mess, featuring three generations of characters, small tidbits of information in several places, and lots of time travel.

     The date for Barry moving to the 30th century is an assumed one, 1000 years after the character’s Silver Age debut.  An age of 16 for Don and Dawn when they first meet Wally puts that meeting in 2972.  Wally met the Twins again before their deaths; 2976 seems a good year for that meeting.  President Thawne had Don and Dawn killed in 2980.  This event even more than controlling his speed may have caused Iris and Bart to flee to the 20th century; Iris was being truthful when she said it was to save Bart’s life.  Bart had been two years old when he left, so he was born in 2978.  Jenni was an infant or young toddler when Bart returned to the 30th century with Meloni, presumably only months after he left but also after President Thawne was no longer a problem; this would mark Jenni’s birth being as late as 2980, shortly before her mother’s death.  Jenni and Jeven were captured by the Dominators when she was about 12, which would be 2992, and she was then trained and tested for a couple years before joining the Legion in 2994.

Flash Comics #350


Barry Allen moves to the 30th century: 2956

The Flash #149-150


Chain Lightning: 2956

The Flash #114


Wally meets the Tornado Twins: 2972

The Flash #148


Wally meets the Tornado Twins: 2976

Legion of Super-Heroes Annual v4 #6


Birth of Bart and Jenni: 2978 and 2980

The Flash Secret Files #1


Cobalt Blue gem destroyed: 2980

The Flash #91


Iris and Bart go to the 20th century: 2980

Impulse #25


Bart visits the 30th century: 2980

Legion of Super-Heroes Annual v4 #6


Jenni’s powers appear: 2992

Legionnaires #0


XS is drafted for the Legion: 2994

     Unfortunately, comic book time marches to a different drummer than the real world, and the Legion of late 2999 has only been together for two and a half, maybe three years, not the five years that had passed for the readers.  If Jenni were born in 2980, she would be 19 in 2999, but was presumed to be younger than that.  As with the rest of the DC Universe, hard dates for the Legion have to be fudged: the Legion was founded “three years ago,” Jenni was born “seventeen years ago,” and Barry moved to the 30th century “about forty years ago.”

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