Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again #2

Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again #2 cover


2002 (month unrecorded)




Frank Miller (Writer / Artist) • Lynn Varley (Colors) • Todd Klein (Letterer) • Michael Wright (Associate Editor) • Bob Schreck (Editor) • Louis Prandi (Publication Design) • Frank Miller / Lynn Varley (Cover)


Date of Change
Content of Change
Title revision
Added reprint information

Analysis Notes

General There are a number of Legion references throughout this series, all apparently to the Silver Age versions of the characters.  For a time during the Silver Age, Legionnaires might pop up in any given Superman family title almost at random — here is a 20th century parade, there rescuing a ring Lois Lane dropped done the drain, and over there in a display of status kept near open windows during lighting storms.  By extension, without knowing much about the individual Legionnaires, their iconography as part of the superhero mythos may have made it into the public consciousness, and hence the presence in this story.
33:3 This guy’s shirt has Sun Boy’s emblem on it.
44-46 The “Joker” is wearing the Silver Age Cosmic Boy’s costume.  As revealed in The Dark Knight Strikes Again #3, this is really Dick Grayson using the powers granted to him via radical gene therapy to transform his body, including his clothing.  The original Robin, of course, had a greater amount of familiarity with Legionnaires than the average person, especially through adventures opposing the Composite Superman.
55:1 None of which explains the “Joker” searing Spider-Man’s outfit while killing the Creeper.  (Of course, Spider-Man and the Creeper are both noted for the influence artist Steve Ditko had on them.)
This time, he is dressed as the Silver Age Element Lad.
Reprints This issue was collected as part of the Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again hardcover volume.