The Flash #112
The Flash #112 cover


April 1996


“Future Perfect”
(Cover Title: “Tomorrow’s Flash ...Today!”)


The various speedsters and Liberty Belle attend the memorial for Johnny Quick, and XS expresses her wish to return to the 30th century.  John Fox is able to adapt the Cosmic Treadmill to her needs.

Only scenes involving Legion of Super-Heroes characters are dealt with here.


Mark Waid (Story) • Anthony Castrillo (Guest Pencils) • Hanibal Rodriguez (Inks) • Tom McCraw (Colorist) • Gaspar Saladino and Kevin Cunningham (Letters) • Alisande Morales (Assistant Editor) • Brian Augustyn (Editor) • Oscar Jimenez / José Marzan Jr. (Cover)

Character and Object Tracking

Analysis Notes


Date of Change Content of Change
Tracking updates from Genesis #2
Format correction
Tracking updates from Impulse #21
Tracking updates from The Final Night #1

Tinted cells and text indicate missing or incomplete information.

Character and Object Tracking



Supporting Characters




Previous Appearance

Next Appearance


XS (Jenni Ognats) The Flash #111 <Legionnaires Annual #3>
John Fox The Flash #111 Next Legion appearance: The Flash #148
Flash III (Wally West) No appearance; mention only
Flash I (Jay Garrick The Flash #111 Next Legion appearance:
The Flash #149
Jesse Quick (Jesse Chambers) The Flash #111 Next Legion appearance:
<The Final Night #>
Impulse (Bart Allen) The Flash #111 Next Legion appearance:
The Final Night #1
Max Mercury (Max Crandall) The Flash #111 Next Legion appearance:
Impulse #12
Liberty Belle (Libby Lawrence-Chambers) None in Legion books None in Legion books
Johnny Quick (Johnny Chambers) No appearance; mention only
unnamed members of the Justice Society (none seen)


Savitar No appearance; mention only

Supporting Characters

Linda Park No appearance; mention only
One-shot or Untracked Characters:
unnamed chauffeur


Flash Museum No appearance; mention only
One-shot or Untracked Locations:
unnamed cemetery, < >
Jay Garrick’s garage, Keystone City


Cosmic Treadmill None in Legion books Impulse #< >
One-shot or Untracked Items:
Johnny Quick’s tombstone


Analysis Notes

General Only pages 9-12 are covered here.
Castrillo has a style heavily influenced by John Byrne.
9-10 This cemetery is presumably in < >, where Johnny and Libby resided.
9:5 According to the tombstone, Johnny Chambers’ middle initial was “P”.  Arguably, it should have been “B”: “Jack [which is a nickname for John] be nimble, Jack be quick...”
The dark haired man is John Fox, the Flash of the 27th century.
Although the Justice Society is mentioned, not are actually pictured here.  Further, Johnny Quick was never a member of the Justice Society; he was part of the All-Star Squadron, which was kind of a superset of the JSA.
Although there is a tombstone here, there is no actual grave.  Johnny was bodily taken into the Speed Force.
It isn’t clear why the edges of the flag are folded under near the top.  Maybe to disguise that this flag has sixteen stripes and a really weird field of stars?  Did Castrillo not have a reference for the American flag?  Did the inker not care to correct it?  Was the editor asleep on the job?
Coloring error: Jay Garrick’s white hair got colored as flesh tone.
9:6-7 This is the former Liberty Belle, one of the founders of the World War II All-Star Squadron alongside Johnny Quick.  As Libby Lawrence, she was a noted war new correspondent.  As Liberty Belle, she had heightened strength and other abilities allegedly induced by the ringing of the Liberty Bell; she later gained magnetic abilities.  Details about her and Johnny’s post-All-Star Squadron relationship were revealed in the Justice Society of America series (199< >).
10:2 Yuck.  Horrible color modelling in this panel.  Sometimes computer coloring goes overboard; McCraw would have been better sticking to just the shadows at the edge of the face.
10:3 Credit the figures behind John as Impulse and XS.  One is walking away, as XS has done in 11:1, and she was standing next to Impulse.
11:2-3 The events of Impulse #12 take place between these two panels.
11:4 It’s the Cosmic Treadmill.
This room is presumably Jay Garrick’s garage/workshop.
12:2 Given that there was a lapses of at least a couple weeks for Jenni while she was stuck in the 20th century, and a similar (perhaps longer) lapse in the 30th century, John programmed it for 1000 years, rather than to try to send her back to when the rest of her teammates returned.
12:7 John’s calculations were incorrect, and Jenni ends up travelling into a couple different futures far beyond the 30th century, including a visit to the Linear Men’s Vanishing Point, before she gets back home.  These events are detailed in <Legionnaires Annual #3>.
12:9 Jenni has not yet visited the 20th century again, although she briefly got to meet some of the other speedsters again (including Impulse and Kid Flash II) during the Chain Lightning event, in The Flash #148-49.