1. This issue of Valor is suspect under the effects of Zero Hour; the Braal seen there may not be the same, post-Zero Hour.2. There is no way to know for sure that the presumed Korugarians, Tyrazzi, Talokians, and other races identified just by skin color are indeed of those races, but it is a good enough probability to warrant tracking them as such.
3. Saturn Girls costume logo is considered as distinct from the telepath I.D. badge, and will not be included under Technology.
Cover | The cover of this issue is non-representational. The costumes, flight rings, and clubhouse do not appear in this issue, and the clubhouse will look significantly different when it does appear. |
1:1 | Mekt Ranzz is apparently the eldest of the Ranzz siblings. |
The frameless glasses seen on Mekt were introduced during the Giffen/Bierbaum era, worn by Kent Shakespeare. | |
Pronunciation: There is no consensus on whether to pronounce Ayla with an initial long A sound (to rhyme with Layla, as in the song by Eric Clapton) or with an initial long I sound. The name comes from Hebrew for mighty oak. | |
1:1, 2:4 | Ayla Ranzz is studious and level-headed in comparison to her brothers. This is in contrast to the behavior she will display when she later joins the Legion. |
1:2 | Interlac Translation (readout): charge and 7.924 The numbers presumably refer to the power level of the ships drive. (Alternately, there could be some connection to the date the artwork was completed. With an October 1994 indicia date, July 1994 - 7.94 - is about right for artwork being done.) |
2:2 | Korbal is characterized by continuous atmospheric electrical storms and large land animals with the ability to create powerful electric discharges. |
2:5 | Korbals Lighting Beasts have been redesigned for the postboot, no longer having the rubber tire noses of the preboot. Instead, the lightning is emitted from forehead horns, making them look more like rhinoceroses or Kryptonian rondors. |
1-2 | Since this dream holds well to the preboot origin of the Ranzz siblings, there is no reason to doubt its general accuracy. However, the facts may be distorted somewhat depending on how Garth views his siblings and the event. |
3:1 | Used in conjunction with Holy (2:6), Grife is probably a religious epithet, akin to uses of God and damn in 20th century English. (Curse words in human society typically relate to religion, reproduction, or bodily wastes.) A possible origin is a transmogrification of grief, as in May the Deity cause you grief. The religious connotation is later confirmed in Legionnaires #63. |
3:2 | The incident with the Lightning Beasts occurred three years previous, when Garth was 11. |
3:4 | One potential reason for Winath cops not being patient with runaways is the traditional twin status of Winath: running away is often a symptom of socialization problems, and on a world of twins where nearly everyone has a very close match, such problems would be indicative of more serious problems (such as mental difficulties). However, runaways are certainly not unknown on Winath, based on the comments here. |
3:5 | There is a drop of water hanging off Garths nose. He has just splashed his face to wake up. |
Note that Rokk apparently never attended the magnoball exhibition he travelled to Earth to participate in. | |
4:1 | The Magnoball Cosmic Games is presumably a sports contest akin to tennis Wimbledon, as magnoball itself doesnt seem to be broad enough to support an Olympics-like series of events. |
4:2 | Cosmic Boys codename was bestowed on him by the Internet, a nod to the body of fandom on the real-world Internet. |
Note that the Cosmic Boy nickname is a reference to both Rokks age and his Magnoball Cosmic Games championship, indicating that it must be unusual for a teenager to do so well in the Games. | |
Rokk does not deny the connection to Sindy Paller. (Rokk briefly dated a girl named Sinde in the preboot in Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #212.) | |
Rokks manager, Cuspin, walks with a cane. He may be a former magnoball competitor who got injured yet stays active in the sport by coaching, as often occurs in 20th century sports. | |
Cuspins first name is Alux, but that is unrevealed until Legionnaires #70. | |
Interlac Translation (spaceport gate labels): planet and braal. This is presumably an orbiting shuttle depot, and the signs direct passengers to Braal and Off Planet locations. | |
4:2, 5:2 | Rokks brother and parents will later be confirmed as Pol, Hu, and Ewa Krinn, as in the preboot. |
4:4 | Interlac Translation: no way to tell; starts with a d. |
5:2 | The bulk of Rokk Krinns earnings from endorsements and appearance fees are supposed to go to support his family. In the preboot, Braal was economically depressed, and this would seem to support that. |
5:3 | Braal and Titan have a shaky treaty; they will later be revealed to have been at war. |
The United Planets is a relatively new organization at this point (only a few years old at most, probably). | |
6:1 | Imra is alpha class; presumably this is the same as her being the highest rated telepath on Titan (see 6:3). |
Imra is the only one wearing a Saturn ID badge. There is apparently a significant number of non-Titanians living on Titan. | |
7 | Coloring errors: Sgt. Bendah is the dark-skinned Science Police officer who spoke in 6:1-2. In 7:3, it is obviously the other officer speaking, despite the incorrect skin color; his skin is thus miscolored in 7:1, also. |
7:5 | Imra is not yet a full-fledged Science Police officer. Although she is later referred to as a cadet (see 14:2), here she is called an Agent, which probably means she has been specially loaned to the Science Police for this case. |
8:2 | Interlac is the standard language of the quadrant Braal and Winath are in; presumably it is standard for the entirety of the United Planets. In the introduction to the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Beginning of Tomorrow collection, it will be revealed that Interlac as a universal language was somewhat controversial. |
Note that Rokk is much more worldly and travelled than Garth; since Winath will later be shown to be an agricultural planet (as in the preboot), Garth may be something of a hick. As a result, Garth may well not have been sure that Interlac was indeed anything but the language spoken on Winath. | |
Rokk is extending his left hand to greet Garth; he is left-handed. | |
9:1-2 | R.J. Brande is the third richest sentient in the cosmos (known galaxy, probably), and is responsible for stargate technology. The United Planets depends on stargate technology to provide a reasonable cost method of transport over interstellar distances. |
9:3 | Stargate technology doesnt require the expense of normal warpspeed fuel, the cost of which can allegedly bankrupt entire worlds. Given the prevalence of faster than light craft in the 20th century comics, whatever fuel is used must become increasingly scarce throughout known space over the intervening millennium. |
9:4 | Stargate travel appears to involve teleportation or the creation of wormholes, rather than direct physical movement across the intervening light years. An example of the space between stargates is seen in Legion of Super-Heroes: Secret Files #2. |
10:1 | Rokk observes more V.I.P.s boarding the shuttle at Titan. These are presumably United Planets delegates making the trip to Earth for the meeting seen in Legionnaires #0. |
It is hard to imagine Brande not travelling First Class, and sports-star Rokk and the VIPs probably would be, too (although Cuspin might have booked Rokk on cheaply just to have more money for himself). As a prize cadet travelling on behalf of the Titan government, Imra might travel First Class, but as a runaway, Garth almost certainly could not unless he managed to bluff his way into the status. As will be seen in Legion: Secret Files #1, Brande is intentionally travelling Tourist Class. | |
Here, Ventura sounds like a resort planet, but it was a gambling world in the preboot, and will be seen to be such in the postboot in Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #99; it could be like todays Las Vegas, and be both. | |
Konos is a derivative of kono juice, a favorite drink from the preboot, possibly somewhat alcoholic. | |
In the preboot, of course, Garth eventually married Imra. | |
10:2, 10:4 | Telepaths from Titan are required to wear a Saturn-shaped I.D. badge (this has echos of Nazi Germanys requirement that Jews wear a yellow star and homosexuals wear a pink triangle). Telepaths are not well liked by the general public, which fears unwanted mental intrusion. |
11:2 | How primitive, having the passengers disembark right onto the tarmac. There must not be safety concerns with regard to pollution fumes, inclement weather, or passengers encountering service vehicles. |
11:3 | Garths reference to break the ice alludes to her preboot ice queen status, which was due to distancing herself from people in order to avoid accidental mental contact. |
11:3-4 | Imra is just picking up surface thoughts, not actively scanning. |
11:4 | The assassins after Brande are wearing uniforms labelled with pink triangles. Presumably, these are spaceport worker uniforms rather than some reference to sexual orientation. (Given that they are probably White Triangle assassins, the triangles may simply be miscolored.) |
12:3 | Live wire alludes to Garths eventual code name. |
14 | Based on Legionnaires #0, 21:6, the female Science Police Officer is probably Gigi Cusimano. |
14:1 | The assassins are using psi-screens. Since Imra cannot simply remove the screens or turn them off, they may be implanted devices. The screens are sufficient to hide specific information, but did not block surface thoughts. Given that Brande is later revealed to be a telepath in Legionnaires #53, the screens were perhaps meant to foil Brandes own senses as much as those of any random Titanian who might scan the assassins. (The screens probably set up feedback in the cloaked persons mind to prevent telepaths from finding the information that they want.) |
14:3 | Doyle is Brandes business partner, and he apparently would control Brande Industries if Brande were killed. Doyles motive for Brandes assassination is thus not just because he is a White Triangle xenophobe who opposes the United Planets. |
15 | The Presidents name is Jeannie Chu. Her first name is not revealed until < >. |
15:1 | Some United Planets delegates are apparently not based on Earth full-time. These travelling VIPs may be mostly provisional and observing delegates; full ambassadors undoubtedly have Metropolis apartments and full staffs on Earth. |
15:3 | The goals of the United Planets are galactic unity, shared tech(nology), and common alliance. Interlac as a common language helps on these points. Presumably we may one day see the last one tested, when the Khunds show up. |
15:4 | Brande presumably does not plan to finance the Legion indefinitely, just until it finds its role within the United Planets. (Nor would the United Planets want to be beholden to him for the continuation of the Legion if it became successful. Imagine if Brande were like Leland McCauley!) |
15:5 | Brande provides the basic design of both the Legion uniforms and the Legions L* logo. In Impulse #9, XS tells Impulse that her uniform is based on the general design of his, which originated in the testing lab where he was raised. Thus, Brande probably had a hand in the labs funding. |
The basic costume design adheres to the Chris Sprouse design standard introduced in the preboot Legionnaires series. | |
Two of the other sample logos are the stylized L logos from the Levitz/Giffen and Giffen/Bierbaum eras of the Legion. A third logo idea is the United Planets star, which is partly preserved in the final sketch. | |
16:2 | Commander Hagbards alleged hatred of Titanians is probably something of an exaggeration, despite the fact that he is assigning Imra to do gruntwork. As seen in Legion: Science Police #1, Hagbard will eventually have no problem with Imra as part of his staff, so any anti-Titanian attitude here can be attributed to unfamiliarity. |
16:3 | According to the introduction in the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Beginning of Tomorrow collection, Shvaughn (and Gigi, and Gim) is just an officer at this point. She apparently gets promoted to Sergeant by the time of the events seen in Showcase < > #6. |
17:1 | Magnoball is apparently a court sport featuring a floating ball that is affected or directed by magnetic fields above a court featuring different zones, one of which is a grav-field; Legionnaires #<34> shows magnoball to be a goal-oriented sport (a lá basketball rather than tennis), so this may be a solo practice court. |
17:3 | Luornus three bodies exhibit different personality traits. Lu-Purple (the extrovert) is the one who comes to see Rokk; the other two are undistinguished here, but can be determined in Legion: Secret Files #1 (Lu-Orange visits Garth and Lu-Neutral visits Imra). |
18:1 | Black Mace owns some sort of an establishment, probably a bar, at which Garth had been seeking information about Mekts whereabouts. A resulting struggle apparently landed Garth in jail. |
19:3, 19:5 | Cuspin is a lecher and a gambler: does Rokk know how to pick them, or what? |
20:1 | Takron Galtos is an infamous prison planet, dating back at least to the 20th century. In the preboot continuity, it was destroyed in Crisis on Infinite Earths, but it is evidently intact in the postboot continuity. |
20:3 | Garth is already acting as Imras protector. |
20:6 | It would not be confirmed for several years, but as seen in Legionnaires #70, Rokk did turn Cuspin in. Imras assessment was incorrect, however, and Cuspin got only a couple year sentence in a Terran prison, Roundrock. She may have been exaggerating here for effect, or Cuspin may have been able to pull some strings to get his sentence reduced; it is also possible that Rokk himself requested a lighter sentence than the Takron-Galtos one. |
21 | In the preboot, R.J. Brande was a 20th century Durlan transported through time to the 30th century (see L.E.G.I.O.N. 87 #<9> and Legion of Super-Heroes v4#<>) and later stuck in human form by a bout of Yorggian Fever, although he kept these details hidden for decades (see Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes #3). If Brande is still a non-human in the postboot, he is not necessarily still the Durlan associated with L.E.G.I.O.N. (or even a Durlan at all). His love for the 20th centurys heroic age (and the specific examples of members of the Justice League) may be a clue to his original identity. Or it might not. (A handful of individuals survived from the 20th century to the 30th century in the preboot, including the Durlan, Mon-El/Valor, Mordru, and JOnn JOnzz, the Martin Manhunter.) |
21:3 | Supermans long hair here is a peculiarity. Although he had long hair at the time this comic was published, it didnt last long enough to reasonably be expected to be shown in a 30th century hologram. When this scene is shown again in Legion: Secret Files #1 (1st story), the hologram still has long hair. As a result, it must be assumed that whatever image source Brande used for the hologram was from the brief period where Superman wore his hair long. |
21:3-4 | Rokk recognizes Superman, possibly because Braal was allegedly settled by transplanted Earth humans during the late 20th century as a Gandian World. Garth does not recognize Batman, but Imra does (which makes sense, given that he is the worlds greatest detective and she is engaged in police training). |
21:6 | In the preboot, the Legion was based on the heroic career of Superboy (Superman as a teenager). This page establishes the basis as being simply the 20th centurys heroic age in general, rather than any one specific hero. |
22:2 | Rokk and Garth have realized that Luornu Durgo has the ability to triplicate. |
23:1 | Warring worlds refers to Braal and Titan; the war must be only recently settled. The settling of the war may have been important in the founding of the United Planets. |
23:2 | The blue sphere with smaller gold spheres attached is the United Planets globe logo. |
23:4 | Given how low sales had allegedly sunk prior to Zero Hour, the three month trial may have had a real world meaning, too. |
24:1 | Doyles masters are undoubtedly the White Triangle, who profess a desire to keep alien races separate. Odd, then, that Doyles underlings are non-human. Perhaps it is acceptable to the White Triangle to use alien races as underlings, but not to associate with them as equals. Or perhaps he doesnt hold with White Triangle ideals at all and is using them to achieve his own ends. |
Since he makes no further appearances, it can be assumed that Oto dies at the hand of those he reports to. | |
24:4 | There is no apparent connection between President Chu and either Roderick Doyle or the White Triangle; her image here is merely a connection to the United Planets. |
Reprints | This issue was reprinted in the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Beginning of Tomorrow trade paperback collection. |
Character Name |
Cover |
Panels / Speaking |
Heroes | ||
Live Wire (Garth Ranzz) | X | 49 / 34 |
Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn) | X | 48 / 38 |
Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen) | X | 39 / 21 |
Spark (Ayla Ranzz) | 4 / 4 | |
Triad (Luornu Durgo) | 10 / 6 | |
Villains | ||
Lightning Lord (Mekt Ranzz) | 6 / 6 | |
Alux Cuspin | 17 / 12 | |
Roderick Doyle | 4 / 4 | |
unnamed assassins (5, all male, presumably all Terran; black and bald with glasses, brown and balding, red hair with sweat band, dark hair, and older with brown hair) | 9 / 4 | |
Jando | 1 / 1 | |
Oto | 1 / 1 | |
Supporting Characters | ||
R.J. Brande | 22 / 13 | |
President Jeannie Chu | 3 / 3 | |
Officer Gigi Cusimano | 3 / 3 | |
Commander Hagbard | 1 / 2 | |
Officer Shvaughn Erin | 1 / 1 | |
Sgt. Bendah | 4 / 2 | |
Officer Quav | 1 / 1 |